sciences de l'information   mathématique   statistique   modélisation  C++  analyse spatiale   systèmes d'information géographique épidémiologie géographie de la santé 

Marc Souris

Directeur de recherche, IRD


H5N1 Avian Influenza, the worst threat to the poultry farming in Thailand, caused drastic losses to the livestock farming throughout the world as well as the country. The Avian Influenza viruses affect not only the livestocks but also human beings in the worst cases. In this regard a study was conducted to visualize the pattern of H5N1 Avian Influenza outbreaks and its impact on the various livestocks in Thailand using GIS maps. The spatial analysis was concentrated only on livestocks and not on human beings. The website includes disease incidence, diffusion and emergence of H5N1 outbreak mapping as well as livestock mapping. The maps are produced based on the absolute number and density of holdings and species, by district and sub district. This analysis was carried out for over a period of 4 years from 03.07.2004 to 01.12.2008.


This research work is supported by funding from ECOFLU project, ANR (Agence Nationale pour La Recherche), France.


Marc Souris (PHD, Computer Sciences, France) is senior researcher at IRD (French Research Institute for Development). His formal education is in mathematics and computer sciences. He is developing algorithms, methodology and software in the field of geographic information systems and remote sensing since 1983. He is the principal author of the SavGIS global GIS software solution. He worked for urban planning, risk analysis and mitigation for natural disasters, spatial and environmental epidemiology and disease emergence modelling.

Jothiganesh Shanmugasundaram: (M.E in Remote Sensing and GIS, Thailand) is researcher in GIS & RS applications working with lRD team, Thailand, since December 2005 for Health geography projects. His research interests are Health - Climate - Environment, Spatial Statistics, Geo Statistics, Disaster risk management and Emergency preparedness.

Short introduction of Institutions

IRD - The Institut de Recherche pour le Développement is a French public science and technology research institute under the joint authority of the French ministries in charge of research and overseas development. The IRD has three main missions: research, consultancy and training. Website:

AIT - Asian Institute of Technology is a a leading and a unique regional multicultural institution of higher learning, offering state of the art education, research and training in technology, management and societal development. Website:

Mahidol University - Faculty of Science - Mahidol is one of the prestigous university in Thailand. In sixty years, it has expanded from Medicine into a comprehensive university with strong academic and research programs, in a variety of other fields, such as science, social sciences, humanities and arts. Website:

SavGIS software solution

SavGIS is a complete GIS solution, being developed since 1984 by the lRD to meet the needs of the IRD scientific teams and their counterparts (geographers, demographers, geologists, epidemiologists, entomologists, archaeologists….). SavGIS is compatible with other commercial products (ArcGIS, MS Access, AutoCad). Website:

Data Sources

Most of the data used in this research work were provided by the National Statistics Office (NSO), Thailand, and the Department of Livestock Development (DLD), Ministry of Agriculture, Thailand.


IRD - Institute of research for development
AIT - Asian Institute of Technology
HPAI - High pathogenic avian influenza
H5N1 - type of Influenza virus
NSO - National Statistics Office, Thailand 
DLD - Department of livestock development, Thailand